In the News

January 13, 2022

McKay SEC Comment: IDS provision of CME data at Mahwah should include commitment to equal access to Mahwah data center campus (File No. SR-NYSE-2021-67)

McKay Comment Letter re IDS provision of CME data at Mahwah Read the full letter here: McKay Brothers – Comment Letter on CME Data – SR-NYSE-2021-67 (2022.01.13)
February 25, 2021

Quincy Data Named 2021 Best Overall Market Data Provider at TradingTech Insight Awards

December 12, 2020

McKay SEC Comment: Nasdaq exclusive wireless roof installation defies SEC ruling that Exchange Facilities providing exclusive wireless access violate The Exchange Act (File No. 4-729)

September 23, 2020

Fireside Chat with Stephane Tyc – Trading Show Americas September 2020

Watch Stephane Tyc’s fireside chat at The Trading Show Americas aired on September 15, 2020. Stephane is joined by Brian Nigito as they discuss the proposed SIP reform.
September 22, 2020

McKay SEC Comment (Letter 4/4): NYSE resists market’s call for transparency and commitment to level playing field (File No. SR-NYSE-2020-05)

August 28, 2020

McKay SEC Comment (Letter 3/4): NYSE should commit to level playing field for access to the Mahwah Facility (File No. SR-NYSE-2020-05)

June 12, 2020

McKay SEC Comment (Letter 2/4): NYSE has not justified the exclusive latency advantage for wireless services (File No. SR-NYSE-2020-05)

McKay Brothers Second Comment Letter re: Order Instituting Proceedings to Determine Whether to Approve or Disapprove Proposed Rule Changes to Establish a Wireless Fee Schedule Setting Forth Available Wireless Bandwidth Connections and Wireless Market Data Connections and Associated Fees (File Nos. SR-NYSE-2020-05, SRNYSEAMER-2020-05, SR-NYSEArca-2020-08, SR-NYSECHX-2020-02, SRNYSENAT-2020-03, SR-NYSE-2020-11, SR-NYSEAMER-2020-10, SRNYSEArca-2020-15, SR-NYSECHX-2020-05, SR-NYSENAT-2020-08)
June 1, 2020

McKay SEC Comment: Support for Market Data Infrastructure Proposed Rule and for Competing Consolidators (Release No. 34-88216; File No. S7- 03-20)

Read the McKay Brothers – Comment Letter re SR-NYSE-2020-05
March 10, 2020

McKay SEC Comment (Letter 1/4): NYSE Data Center and Wireless Connections are Facilities of the Exchange; NYSE exclusive use of on-campus private pole provides unfair competitive advantage inconsistent with the Exchange Act (File No. SR-NYSE-2020-05)

November 7, 2019

McKay & Quincy selected for Harrington Starr’s The Ultimate Fintech Workplace Awards 2019

Quincy Data & McKay Brother’s are shortlisted listed on the Financial Technologists Ultimate Fintech Workplace Awards (TUFWA) November 2019’s issue. The Ultimate Fintech Workplace Awards (TUFWA) issue of the Financial Technologist spotlight’s best practice in the attraction, engagement and retention of world class tech talent. McKay’s feature is below.  A full version of the report is available to download here